a (an)? art。
ability ?n" />




更新時間:2021-05-14 02:09:57作者:網絡

a (an)? art。
ability ?n
able? ?a
about ?prep ?&? ad。
above ?prep?
abroad ?a ?&? ad
absent ?a
accent ?n
accept ?v
accident ?n
ache ?n
achieve ?v
across ?prep?
act? ?n ?& ?v
action? ?n ?
active? ?a
activity ?n
add? ?v ???
address ?n
advantage ?n
advertisement ?n
advice? ?n
advise? ?v
afford ?v
afraid ??a
after ?ad , ?prep ?& conj ?
afternoon? ?n ?
again? ?ad ?
against ?prep?
age? ?n ?
ago ??ad ?
agree?? ?v
agreement ?n
air ??n ?
airplane ?n ?
airport ?n
alive ?a
all??? ?a ?&? pron
allow ?v
almost ??ad ?
alone? ?a
along ?ad ?& ?prep
aloud ??ad ?
already ?ad
also? ?ad
although ?conj
always ?ad
America? ?n
American ?a ?&? n
among ?prep?
ancient? ?a
and ?conj
angry ?a
animal? ?n
another ?a ?& ?pron
answer ??n ?& ?v ?
ant ?n
any ??pron ?& ??a ??
anybody ??pron
anyone ??pron
anything ??pron ?
anyway ?ad
anywhere ?ad
appear ?v
apple? ?n
April ?n ??
arm ?n
army ?n
around ?prep? &? ad
arrive? ?v ?
art ?n
article ?n
as? ?ad,? conj ?& ?prep ??
Asia? ?n
Asian? ?a ?& ?n ?
ask? ?v ?
asleep ?a
at? ?prep?
Atlantic ?n ?&? a
attention ?n
August ?n
aunt ??n
Australia ?n
Australian? ?a ?&? n
autumn?? ?n
available ?a
avoid ?n
awake ?v
away? ?ad
baby ??n
back ?ad ?& ?n
background ?n
bad ( worse, ?worst)?? a
bag ?n
ball ?n
balloon ?n
bamboo ?n
banana?? ?n
bank ?n
baseball ?n
basic ?a
basket ??n
basketball ?n
bathroom ??n ?
be (is, am, are, was, were, being, been)? aux v
beach ?n
bear? n ?
beat ??v ?& ?n ??
beautiful? ?a
because ?conj
become (became, become) ?v ?
bed ?n
bedroom ??n ?
bee ?n
beef ?n
before? ?prep,? ad ?& ?conj
begin (began, begun)? ?v ?
behaviour? ?n
behind ?prep?
believe ?v
bell ?n
below ?prep?
beside ??prep ??
besides ?prep ?& ?ad
between ??prep? ??
beyond ?prep?
big? ?a
bike =bicycle? ?n
bill ?n
bird ??n ?
birth ?n
birthday ??n ?
biscuit ?n
bit ?n
bitter ?a
black ?a ?& ?n
blackboard ??n ?
blind ?a
blood ?n
blow (blew, blown) ?v
blue? n ?& ?a
board? ?n
boat ??n
body ??n
book ?n
boring ?a
born ??a ?
borrow ?v
boss ?n
both? ?pron ?& ?a
bottle ??n ?
bottom ?n
bowl ?n
box ?n
boy ?n
brain ?n
brave ?a
bread? ?n
break (broke, broken) ?v? &? n
breakfast ??n ?
breath ?n
breathe ?v
bridge ??n
bright ?a
bring (brought, brought) ?v ?
brother ?n
brown ?n ?&? a
brush ?v ?& ?n
build (built, built) v
building ?n
burn (-ed, ed/burnt, burnt) ?v
bus?? ?n
business ?n
busy? ?a
but?? ?conj
butter ??n ?
butterfly ?n
buy (bought, bought)? ?v
by ?prep?
bye ?interj
cabbage ?n
cake ?n
call? ?v ?&? n
camel? ?n
camera? ?n
camp ??n ?& ?v
can ??modal v
Canada? ?n
cancel ?v
candle ?n
cancer ?n
candy ?n
cap ?n
capital ?n
captain ?n
car? ?n
card? ?n
care ?v ?&? n
careful ??a
careless ?a
carry? ?v
cat ?n
catch (caught, caught) ??v
cause ?n ?&? v
CD ?n
CD-ROM? n。
ceiling ?n
celebrate ?v
cent ?n
centre ?n
century ??n ?
certain ?a
chair ?n
chairman/woman ?n
chalk ?n
chance ?n
change ?v
chant ?n & v
cheap ??a ?
cheat ?v
check ?n ?&? v
cheer ??n ?& ?v
cheese? ?n
chemistry ?n
chess ?n
chest ?n
chicken ?n
child (pl。
?? children) ??n ?
China? ?n
Chinese? ?a ?& ?n
chocolate ?n
choice ???n
choose (chose, chosen) ?v
chopsticks ?n
Christmas? ?n
church ?n
cinema ??n
circle ?n ?& ?v
city? ?n
clap ?v ?& ?n
class ??n ?
classmate ??n
classroom? ?n
clean ?a ?& ?v
clear? ?a ?
clever ?a
climb ?v
clock? ?n
clone ?v
close ??v ?& ?a
clothes? ?n
cloud ?n
cloudy ??a ??
club ?n
coach ?n
coal ?n
coast? ?n
coat?? ?n
coffee ??n ?
coin ?n
coke ?n
cold? ?a ?&? n
collect? ?v
college ?n
colour (Am color) ?n ?& ?v
come (came, come) ?v
comfortable ?a
common ?a
communicate ?v
communication ?n
company ?n
compare ?v
competition ?n
complete? ?a ?& ?v
composition ?n
computer?? ?n
concert ?n
condition ?n
conference ?n
connect ?v
consider ?v
continue ?v
control ?v
conversation ?n
cook ?v ?& ?n
cooker ?n
cool? ?a
copy ??n ?& ?v ??
corner ??n
correct ??v ?& ?a ?
cost? ?v? &? n
cotton ??n ?& ?a ?
cough ?n ?&? v
could ?modal v ?
count?? ?v
country?? n
countryside ?n
couple ??n ?
courage ?n
course ?n
cousin ?n
cover ?n? & ?v
cow ?n
crayon ?n
crazy ?a
create ?v
cross? ?v? & ?n
cruel? ?a
cry ??n ?& ?v ?
culture? ?n
cup? ?n
cut (cut, cut)? ?v ?& ?n ?
dad (daddy) ?n
daily ??a,? ad ?& ?n ?
dance? ?v ?& ?n
danger ?n
dangerous ?a
dare ?v ?&? aux v
dark? ?a? &? n
date ?n
daughter ??n ?
day ??n ?
dead ?a
deaf ?a
deal ?v
dear? ?a
death ?n
December ?n
decide ?v
decision? ?n
deep ?a ?& ?ad
degree ?n
delicious ?a
dentist ?n
depend ?v
describe? ?v ?
desk ?n
develop ?v
development ?n
dialogue (Am dialog) ?n
diary ??n ?
dictionary ?n
die ??v ?
difference ?n
different ?a
difficult? ?a
difficulty ?n
dig (dug, dug) ?v
dinner ??n ?
direct ?a ?& ?v
direction ?n
director ?n
dirty ?a
discover? ?v
discovery ?n
discuss? ?v ?
discussion ?n
disease ?n
dish ?n
dismiss? ?v
disturb? ?v
divide ?v
do (did, done) ??v
doctor? ?n
dog ?n
doll ?n
dollar ?n
door ?n
double ?a ?& ?n
doubt ?n ?& ?v
down? ?ad ?&? prep?
downstairs ?ad
dozen ?n
draw (drew, drawn) ?v
drawer ?n
dream (-ed, -ed/dreamt, dreamt) ?v ?& ?n
dress? ?n ?& ?v
drink (drank, drunk) ?v? & ?n
drive (drove, driven) ??v ?
driver ?n
drop? ?n? &? v
drug? ?n
drum? ?n
dry ??v ?& ?a ?
duck ?n
dumpling ?n
during ?prep?
duty ?n
DVD ?n
each ?a ?& ?pron
ear? ?n
early ?a & ad
earth ??n ?
east ?n, ?a? &? ad
easy ?a
eat (ate, eaten) ?v
edge ?n
education ?n
effort ?n
egg? ?n
eight ?num
eighteen ?num
eighth ?num
eighty ?num
either ?a ,? conj? & ?ad
elder ?a
electric ?a
elephant ?n
eleven ??num
else? ?a
e-mail ?n? &? v
empty? ?a ?
encourage ?v
end ??n ?& ?v ?
enemy ?n
energy ?n
engineer ?n
England? ?n
English ?n ?& ?a
enjoy ?v
enough ?a ?&? ad
enter ?v
environment? ?n
eraser ?n
especially ?ad
Europe ?n
European? a? & ?n
even ?ad
evening ?n
ever? ?ad
every?? ?a
everybody? ?pron ?
everyday? ?a ?
everyone ??pron ?
everything ?pron
everywhere? ?ad
exam =examination ??n ?
examine ?v
example ?n
excellent ?a
except ?prep?
excite ?v
excuse ??n ?& ?v ?
exercise ?v ?& ?n
expect ?v
expensive ?a
experience ?n
experiment ?n
explain? ?v ?
express ?v
eye ?n
face ??n ?& ?v ?
fact ?n
factory ?n
fail ?v
fair ?a
fall (fell, fallen)? v
family? ?n
famous? ?a
fan ??n ?
fantastic ?a
far(farther, farthest/further, furthest) a & ad
farm ?n
farmer ?n
fast? ?a? & ?ad
fat ?a
father ?n
favourite (Am favorite) ?a ?& ?n
fear ?n
February? ?n
feed (fed, fed)? v
feel (felt, felt)? v
feeling ?n
festival ?n
fetch ?v
fever ?n
few ??pron ?& ?a
field ?n
fifth ?num
fifty ?num
fight (fought, fought ) ?v ?& ?n
fill ?v
film ?n
final ?a
find (found, found)? v
fine ?a
finger ??n ?
finish? ?v
fire ?n
first?? num,? a? & ?ad
fish? ?n
fisherman ?n
fit ?a ?& ?v
five ?num
fix ?v
flag ?n
flat ?n
floor ?n
flower ?n
flu?? ?n
fly1 (flew, flown) ?v
fly2 ?n
follow ?v
food ?n
foot (pl。
?? feet) ?n
football ?n
for? ?prep?
force ?v
foreign? ?a ?
foreigner? ?n
forest ?n
forget (forgot, forgot) ?v
fork ?n
form ?n
forty ?num
forward ?ad
four ?num
fourteen ?num?
fourth ?num
fox ?n
free ?a
freeze (froze, frozen) ?v
fresh ?a
Friday? ?n
fridge (=refrigerator) ?n
friend? ?n
friendly ??a ?
friendship ?n
frog ?n
from?? ?prep?
front ?a & n
fruit ?n
full ?a
fun? ?n
funny ?a
furniture ?n
future ?n
game ?n
garden ??n ?
gate ??n ?
general ?a
gentleman ?n
geography ?n
gesture ?n
get (got, got)? ?v ?
gift? ?n
giraffe ?n
girl ?n
give (gave, given)? ?v ?
glad? ?a ?
glass ?n ??
glove ??n ?
go (went, gone) ?v
goat ?n
god ?n
gold ?n ?& ?a
golden ?a
good ( better, best)? ?a
goodbye (bye-bye) ?interj
goose (pl。
?? geese) ?n
government ?n
grade ?n
grammar ?n
grandchild? n
granddaughter ?n
grandma = grandmother ?n
grandpa = grandfather ?n
grandparent? ?n
grandson ?n
granny ?n
grape ?n
grass? ?n
great? ?a
green ?a? &? n
greeting ?n
ground ?n
group ?n
grow (grew, grown)? ?v ??
guard ?n
guess? ?v
guest ??n ?
guitar? ?n
gun ?n
gym = gymnasium ??n ?
habit ?n
hair? ?n
half? ?a ?& ?n ?
hall ?n
ham ?n
hamburger ?n
hand? ?n
handbag ?n
handsome ?a
handwriting ?n
hang (hung, hung) ?v
happen? ?v ?
happy ??a ?
hard? ?ad ?& ?a ?
hardly ?ad
hat ?n
hate ?v ?& ?n
have ( has, had, had) ??v
he ?pron
head ?n
headache ?n
health ?n
healthy ??a
hear (heard, heard) ?v
heart ??n ?
heat ?n
heaven ?n
heavy ??a ?
height ?n
hello (hi) ?interj
help ?v ?&? n
helpful ?a
hen ??n
her ?pron
here ?ad
hero ?n
herself ??pron
hide (hid, hidden) ?v
high ?a
hill ?n
him? ?pron
himself ??pron
his ?pron
history ?n
hit (hit, hit ) ?v
hobby ?n
hold (held, held) v
hole ?n
holiday ?n
home ??n ?& ?ad ?
hometown ?n
homework? ?n
honest ?a
honour (Am honor) ?n ?& ?v
hope ??n ?& ?v
horse ??n
hospital ??n ?
hot ?a
hotdog ?n
hotel ?n
hour ??n
house ?n
housework ?n
how? ?ad
however ?ad & conj
huge ?a
human ?a ?&? n
humorous? ?a
hundred ?num
hungry? ?a
hurry ?v
hurt (hurt,hurt) ?v
husband? ?n ?
I? ?pron
ice ??n
ice-cream? ?n
idea ?n
if ??conj ?
ill ??a ?
illness ?n
imagine ?v
immediately ?ad
important ?a
impossible? ?a
improve ?v
in ?prep?
inch ?n
include? v
increase ?v ?& ?n
India ?n
Indian? ?a ?&? n
industry ?n
influence ?n
information ?n
ink ??n ?
inside ?prep?
insist ?v
instead ?ad
instruction ??n
intention ?n
interest ?n
interesting ?a
international ?n
Internet ?n
interview ?n ?& ?v
into ??prep ??
introduce? ?v ?
introduction ?n
invent ?v
invention ?n
invite? ?v ?
iron ?n ?& ?v
island? ?n
it? prop。
its ??pron ?
itself ??pron ?
jacket ??n
January? ?n
Japan ?n
Japanese ?n ?&? a
jeans ?n
job ?n
join? ?v
joke ??n ?&? v
joy ??n
juice? ?n
July? ?n
jump? ?v
June?? ?n
just ?a & ?ad
keep (kept, kept)? ?v ?
key ??n
keyboard ?n
kick ??v ?& ?n
kid ??n ?
kill ?v
kilo = kilogram ??n
kilometre ?n
kind1?? a
kind2?? n
king ?n
kiss ??n ?& ?v
kitchen? ?n
kite ?n
knee ??n ?
knife (pl。
?? knives) ??n ?
knock ?v ?& ?n
know (knew, known)? ?v
knowledge ?n
lab = laboratory ??n ?
labour (Am labor)? ?n
lady ??n
lake ?n
lamb ?n
lamp ??n ?
land ?n ?& ?v
language ??n ?
large ?a
last? a ?& ?v
late ??a ?& ?ad
laugh ??n ?& ?v ?
law ?n
lay (laid, laid) ?v
lazy ?a
lead (led, led) v
leader ?n
leaf (pl。
?? leaves) ??n ?
learn (learnt, learnt)? v
least ?n
leave (left, left)?? v
left? ?a ?& ?n
leg? ?n
lemonade ?n
lend (lent, lent)? ?v
lesson ??n ?
let (let, let)? ?v
letter ?n
level ?n
library ?n
license? ?n
lie1 (lay, lain) ??v
lie2? v ?& ?n
life ?n
lift ?v
light? n,? v ?& ?a
like ?v? &? prep
line ?n
lion ?n
list ?n ?&? v
listen? ?v ?
little? ?a
litter (less, least)? ?v ?& ?n
live? ?v
lively ??a ?
lock ?n ?& ?v
London ?n
lonely ?a
long ?a
look ?v ?& ?n
lose (lost, lost) ?v
lot? ?n ?
loud ?a
love? ?v & n
lovely ?a
low ?a ?& ?ad
luck ?n
lucky ??a ?
lunch ??n ?
machine ?n
mad ?a
madam = madame ?n
magazine ?n
magic ?a
mail ?n
main ?a
make (made, made) ?v
man (pl。
?? men) ??n
manage ?v
manager ?n
many ( more, most)? pron ?&? a
map ??n ?
March ?n
mark ?n ?& ?v
market ?n
marriage ?n
marry ?v
master ?v ?&? n
match ?v ?& ?n
math(s) = mathematics ?n
may? modal v ?
May ?n
maybe ?ad
me ?pron
meal ?n
mean (meant, meant) ?v
meaning ??n ?
meat? ?n
medical ?a
medicine ?n
meet (met, met)?? v
meeting ??n ?
member ??n
memory ?n
mend ?v
mention ?n ?& ?v
message?? n
menu? ?n



上海市中考考試科目及相應分數如下: 1、語文為150分、數學為150分、英語為150分、物理為90分、化學為60分、體育為30分,總分一共為630分。 2、中考時間為:6月13日、6月14日,一

2021-05-13 23:23


上海科技大學(ShanghaiTech University,簡稱上科大、ShanghaiTech)是一所由上海市人民政府與中國科學院共同舉辦、共同建設,由上海市人民政府主管的全日制普通高等學校,2013年9月

2021-05-13 20:50



2021-05-13 19:26


2015年上海中考體育項目的選擇是很多家長和考生關注的重點,為了助力考生體育項目選擇,小編為大家整理了2015年上海中考體育項目選擇的相關內容,希望能幫助到大家。 2015年上海

2021-05-13 18:15


您好。中考每一個地區的分數線是不一樣的呢 中考錄取一般只錄取本地學生 所以分數線也沒有一個確定值 中考時,分數是怎么折算的??? 以北京中考分數為例 北京中考分必考科目和選

2021-05-13 06:20


以青島為例,將五個等級除以百分比: 1、將語文、數學、英語、物理、化學、歷史、地理、生物分為五個年級:ABCDE,其中E為不合格等級。 2、市教育局根據招生地區確定年級招生基數

2021-05-12 23:29

主站蜘蛛池模板: 中文字幕99在线精品视频免费看 | 五月婷婷一区二区 | 五月天六月色 | 亚洲欧美精品中字久久99 | 成人a一级试看片 | 一级毛片免费不卡 | 久久久久国产精品 | 中文字幕天天躁日日躁狠狠 | 人人爽人人爽人人片av免费 | 激情综合网色播五月 | 深夜久久| 国产999视频| 六月激情网 | 毛片网在线 | 国产大乳喷奶水在线看 | 伊人成人在线观看 | 久久久久国产精品免费看 | 午夜精品久久久久久影视riav | 国产99久久久久久免费看 | 免费网站入口2021 | 免费男女网站 | 国产福利一区二区三区在线视频 | 久青草国产视频 | 国产精品亚洲玖玖玖在线靠爱 | 日韩精品久久久久影院 | 日韩欧美视频在线播放 | 皮耶里诺再次出击意大利在线观看 | 偷自视频区视频真实在线 | 欧美激情亚洲精品日韩1区2区 | 国产成人精品久久 | 色精品一区二区三区 | 国产或人精品日本亚洲77美色 | 不是男人是女人电视剧免费观看 | 精品孕妇一区二区三区 | 欧美一区在线观看视频 | 日韩一区二区精品久久高清 | 丁香五香天堂网 | 久久国产热视频 | 黄色成人在线播放 | 国产综合久久 | 青青草伊人|