2、When replying to this advertisement, please (C)a stamped addressed envelope.
3、The new test shoul" />
更新時間:2022-12-19 21:36:27作者:admin2
1.The owner of the car insisted on being given cash (B).
2、When replying to this advertisement, please (C)a stamped addressed envelope.
3、The new test should () the doctor to detect the disease easily. (A)
4、The male bird displays several () which distinguish him from the female. (A)
5、The common form of sugar is derived () two plants: the sugar cane and the sugar beet. (A)
National Volume 1, English volume B, D article, reading comprehension translation
我記得我們那屆 09 是所有人大二才能參加,好像10開始 大一下學期就能參加 所以說不準 你們什么時候能考, 怎么準備 單詞量 一定要過關 平時多記,比如買本星火英語4級詞匯 二食堂女生宿舍那下面的書店 什么書都有 還有買 歷年真題 那也有 真題里面有聽力 有光盤 做個計劃 多聽聽
說句實話 四級很簡單 和高考英語差不多 所以 其實可以不怎么準備……………………