美音 [?tr?b?l]
n. 麻煩;煩惱;故障;動亂
vi. 費心;煩惱
vt. 麻煩;使煩惱;折磨
復數: troubles
第三人稱單數: troubles
過去式: troubled
過去分詞: troubled
現在分詞: troubling
trouble 麻煩,困難,問題
置換自古法語 truble,麻煩,混亂,來自拉丁語 turbidus,混亂的,騷亂的,來自 turbare,混亂, 騷亂,詞源同 turbid.引申諸相關詞義。
1. get into trouble:陷入麻煩;遇到麻煩;被捕
2. Trouble Couples:開心勿語;年;片
3. be in trouble:處于困境中;處在困境
4. Charge for trouble:各項手續費; [會計]手續費
5. in trouble:處于困境中;處于困境;在困境中
6. trouble maker:麻煩制造者;沒有明天;臭屁王;我閨蜜
7. trouble shooting:問題解答
8. have trouble with:v.與...有糾紛;有...的病痛
9. a sea of troubles:困難重重;無窮無盡的麻煩
10. cause trouble:肇事
11. out of trouble:擺脫麻煩;脫離了困境
12. stomach trouble:胃病
13. make trouble for:給……帶來麻煩
14. run into trouble:陷入困境之中
15. give someone trouble:給別人添麻煩,麻煩人家,打擾人家[亦作putsomeoneto(或tothe)trouble]
16. give oneself trouble:盡力,費力
17. in times of trouble:在患難的時候
18. don't trouble:別費事
19. heart trouble:心臟病
20. trouble shoot:故障查找
21. borrow trouble:自找麻煩,杞人憂天
22. trouble shooting:問題解答
23. have trouble with:v.與...有糾紛;有...的病痛
24. a sea of troubles:困難重重;無窮無盡的麻煩
25. cause trouble:肇事
26. out of trouble:擺脫麻煩;脫離了困境
27. stomach trouble:胃病
28. make trouble for:給……帶來麻煩
29. run into trouble:陷入困境之中
30. give someone trouble:給別人添麻煩,麻煩人家,打擾人家[亦作putsomeoneto(或tothe)trouble]
31. give oneself trouble:盡力,費力
32. in times of trouble:在患難的時候
33. don't trouble:別費事
34. heart trouble:心臟病
35. trouble shoot:故障查找
36. borrow trouble:自找麻煩,杞人憂天
- I find getting up early a great trouble.
我覺得早起床可不容易。 - I'm sorry to have to put you to so much trouble.
很抱歉,給您添了這麼多麻煩。 - Don't mention my name or you'll get me into trouble.
- I'm sorry to trouble you, but I wondered if we could have a word some time.
很遺憾要打擾你一下,我想問問我們什么時候能聊聊。 - May I trouble you to move your chair a bit?