n. 關稅表;收費表
vt. 定稅率;征收關稅
直布羅陀海峽是連接地中海和大西洋的咽喉要道,自古以來一直是兵家必爭之地。公園711年,信奉伊斯蘭教的北非摩爾人渡過直布羅陀海峽,大舉進犯歐洲,擊敗當時位于西班牙的西哥特王國后繼續(xù)向法國進軍。被當時法蘭克共相“鐵錘查理”擊敗后,摩爾人在西班牙地區(qū)盤踞了七個多世紀,將伊斯蘭文化傳播至歐洲。摩爾人軍隊渡過直布羅陀海峽后,一位名叫Tarif Ben Malluk的將軍攻占了海峽北邊的一座小鎮(zhèn)并在此修建城堡,這座小鎮(zhèn)因而得名Tarifa。Tarifa距離海峽僅21英里,地勢險要,易守難攻,摩爾人以此為據(jù)點控制了直布羅陀海峽,并向經(jīng)過直布羅陀海峽的來往商船索要買路費,其金額與商船上所在貨物價值總額成比例,這就是關稅的由來,而表示關稅的英語單詞tariff就來自城市Tarifa的名字。
rate charge fee rent dues toll rental tariff These are all words for an amount of money that is charged or paid for sth. 以上各詞均指所收取或付出的費用。 rate a fixed amount of money that is asked or paid for sth 指所索取或付出的價格、費用: a low hourly rate of pay 按小時支付的低報酬 interest rates 利率 charge an amount of money that is asked for goods or services 指商品或服務的要價、收費: an admission charge 入場費 fee ( rather formal ) an amount of money that you have to pay for professional advice or services, to go to a school or college, or to join an organization 指專業(yè)服務費、咨詢費、學費、會費: legal fees 訴訟費 an annual membership fee 年度會員費 rent an amount of money that you regularly have to pay for use of a building or room 指房屋租金。 注釋 In American English, rent can be used to mean rental . 在美國英語中,rent可用以表示rental(租金): The weekly rent on the car was over $200. 這輛汽車每周的租金是200多元。 dues an amount of money that you have to pay so that you can be a member of an organization 指應繳會員費 toll an amount of money that you have to pay to use a particular road or bridge 指道路、橋梁的通行費 rental an amount of money that you have to pay to use sth for a particular period of time 指租金 用rent還是rental? In British English rent is only money paid to use a building or room: for other items use rental . In American English rent can be used for both, but rental is still more common for other items. 在英國英語中,rent只指房屋租金,其他物品的租金用rental。在美國英語中,rent可指以上兩種租金,但指其他物品的租金,rental仍然較通用。 tariff ( rather formal ) a list of fixed prices that are charged by a hotel or restaurant for rooms or meals, or by a company for a particular service 指旅館、餐館或公司的服務價目表、收費表 常用搭配 to pay (a) rate / charge / fee / rent / dues / toll / rental for / on sth to do sth at a rate / charge / fee / rent / rental of… to do sth for
1、 A general tariff was imposed on foreign imports.
2、 If the tariff were lifted and unprocessed cashew were sold at world market prices, more farmers could profit by growing cashews.