美音 [w?lθ]
n. 財產,財富;富豪(階級);豐富,大量;繁榮
wealth : 比較像的詞health 健康 ,俗話說,健康才是最大的財富。
wealth 財富
1. Harmony brings wealth:和氣生財;家和萬事興;和睦生財;氣生財
2. God of Wealth:財神爺;財神;小財神;寧財神
3. Paper wealth:賬面財富
4. Sovereign Wealth Fund:主權財富基金;基金;主權財產基金
5. wealth effect:財富效應;財產效應
6. flaunt wealth:炫富
7. common wealth:共同財富
8. sovereign wealth fund:主權基金(由政府投資)
9. health and wealth:健康與財富
10. god of wealth:財神
11. wealth of nations:國富論(書名,作者是亞當·斯密)
12. wealth and fame:名利
13. financial wealth:金融財富
14. wealth brings happiness:財富帶來幸福
15. common wealth:共同財富
16. sovereign wealth fund:主權基金(由政府投資)
17. health and wealth:健康與財富
18. god of wealth:財神
19. wealth of nations:國富論(書名,作者是亞當·斯密)
20. wealth and fame:名利
21. financial wealth:金融財富
22. wealth brings happiness:財富帶來幸福
- Health is better than wealth.
【諺】健康勝于財富。 - He's always flaunting his wealth.
他總是擺闊。 - She is responsible for the character part of the hero's devoted mother.
她負責這個主人公的忠誠的母親的角色部分。 - He has gambled away all his wealth.
他賭博輸掉了全部財產。 - She is not to be compared with you in wealth.
她的財產不能與你相比。 - There's a wealth of books in the library.
這個圖書館藏書豐富。 - Jim has a whole wealth of teaching experience.
吉姆具有豐富的教學經驗。 - His boss has a wealth of knowledge about international trade.
他的老板有豐富的國際貿易知識。 - Wealth allows them to be indulged in abundance.
而現在,物質的豐富使人們可以享受大量的這些東西。 - She married a man of untold wealth.